Treasures Part II

Most treasures are not easily obtained.  They are hidden like gold or silver and need to be mined at great cost.

Since I wrote the last post, Hidden Treasures, I kept discovering other places in the Word where treasures are mentioned.

This verse in Isaiah 45:3 speaks of the treasures in darkness and the wealth of secret places. So that you may know that it is I, The Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name.  Usually treasures are not exposed.  We often need to explore or experience dark or hidden places and situations.  Being willing to say yes to God will uncover and reveal treasures, although it might be uncomfortable and not always convenient.

If you are looking for answers in your situation where everything is not extremely clear, listen to these instructions from Proverbs chapter 2….  My son, my daughter, if you will listen to my words and treasure my commandments within you…tune your ears to wisdom and concentrate on understanding…cry out for insight, and ask for understanding…search for them as you would for silver and seek them like hidden treasures….the promises/treasures are many!!  The verbs are highlighted because searching for answers is proactive.

The results are also verbs which I highlighted in blue.  1. You will discern the fear of the Lord.  2. You will discover the knowledge of God.  3. He grants a treasure of common sense/wisdom to the honest.  4.  He shields  those who walk with integrity.  5. He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him.  6. Wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will fill you with joy.  (As I write this I feel joy from reading these promises.)  7. Wise choices will watch over you.  8.Understanding will keep you safe.  9 Wisdom will save you from evil people and from those whose words are twisted.  10.  Wisdom will save you from the immoral woman.   What a list of promises!!  This is true treasure.

Jesus told a parable to explain what the kingdom of heaven is like.  *There was a man who discovered a treasure hidden in a field.  He hid it again so he could sell all that he had in order to buy the field.  I find it interesting that after he hid it, he went away with joy.  Finding the treasure of great price is Jesus Christ himself.  We give up our will, our own ways, our time, so we have room in our hearts for this treasure!  Experiencing and delighting ourselves in God and His Word, gives us that peace and joy which is beyond our comprehension.

Keep digging in the Word of God to receive treasures that will last an eternity!

“God doesn’t respond because someone opens up some new insight for Him. No. In persistent, fervent prayer, God prepares the soil of one’s heart to make room for the seed of His answer, from which will flower an alignment with His will.” 
 Ravi ZachariasThe Lotus and the Cross: Jesus Talks with Buddha

*Matthew 13:44


Take the Opportunity

What a beautiful day on the 18th of February!!  The sun is shining, there is a slight breeze and the temps are in the high 60’s.  The weather beckons me to come outside and soak up the sun.  Since I am babysitting my sweet one year old grandson, the ideal thing to do is, put him in the stroller and take a walk.  While I am smiling and deciding how far down the road to walk, I am oblivious to the cookies baking in the oven!  My focus had completely shifted and we were going on a walk.  I set my destination, the telephone pole up ahead.  My grandson fell asleep and my mind was free of distractions. When I arrived back in my kitchen, even the smell of burnt cookies could not displace these welcome thoughts of spring!  More chocolate chip cookies can be baked but beautiful days in February are not readily available.

The cookies were crispy and dark but still edible!

Opportunities cannot always be planned.  They seem unexpected and sometimes disturb the present realities.  Last August, there was a request for a Bible study by someone who had not previously been interested in seeking God or reading the Bible.  Inside of me I knew this was a priority.  Yes, it was another evening of the week to be occupied but it is a season in which we can share what has been given to us. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required;  Luke 12:48b

The blessing has been to be able to experience this evening with my husband, my friend and her family almost every week.  We read the Bible together and ask questions.  Our prayer time brings the sweetness and closeness of the Lord.  We are so glad we didn’t miss this opportunity!

Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.                    Colossians 4:5-6