Victory Garden

Victory gardens were promoted during World Wars I and II.  Europe was devastated by war and the United States helped feed civilians and troups involved by sending commercially grown canned foods.  A movement was started to encourage citizens to turn backyards, vacant lots, and parks into vegetable and fruit production to feed themselves and others in their communities.  The slogan was, “Sow the Seeds of Victory” and the gardens became known as victory gardens.

Victory has been a word that has come to my mind as I have been engaged in a war.  My body has become a battleground as a foreign intruder was discovered.  Medical science calls it cancer.  In garden terms, it was a nasty weed that needed eliminated.  So sugery did the removal like digging out and cutting off a weed so it can  spread no longer.  It was advised to me to make sure it is eliminated so I should apply some powerful weed killer known as chemo drugs.  In farming we use selective weed control so the plants are not destroyed.  At this time the only weed control available to treat our bodies kills not only the out of control cells but also the good growing cells.

This mortal body I live in is in a war…..sigh.  But the good news is…… I have a spirit and soul which is ultimately in control of this body!  My mind can choose to dwell on this weak body or I can remember who lives within me!!   Romans 8 says we can let our minds dwell on the body which is death or we can concentrate on the the Spirit which is life and peace!  Because Jesus Christ was raised from the dead we can also have life in our mortal bodies!!

So I have chosen to plant a victory garden.  Fresh seeds of faith….believing and trusting the promises of the Word of God which give me strength and renewed hope.

Seeds of hope….like this verse from Romans 8:13- Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Each new day I receive hope that my body will be renewed and restored to complete health!

Joy and peace are two fruits of the spirit.  The joy of the Lord is my strength.  Peace in my heart and mind are mine when I lay down all my anxious thoughts to Jesus through prayer and requests with thanksgiving.  I don’t need to get anxious about the next chemo infusion because I know that The Lord carries and surrounds me with his love.

These are some of the seeds of victory that are growing in my garden.  I will leave you with this verse from IICorinthians 13:14….The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!


A Psalm of Thanksgiving

Oh give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples.

Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; Speak of all His wonders.

Glory in His holy name; Let the heart of those who seek the Lord be glad.

Seek His face continually.  Remember His wonderful deeds which He has done.  His marvels and the judgments from His mouth.

Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.  Tell of His glory among the nations.  His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.

For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised!!  He also is to be feared  above all gods.  For all the gods of the peoples are idols, But the LORD  made the heavens!

Splendor and majesty are before Him, Strength and joy are in His place!

Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the peoples,  Ascribe to the LORD glory  and strength.  Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name; and come  before Him;  Worship the LORD in holiness. *

These are excerpts of a Psalm that David wrote when they brought up the ark of God to Jerusalem.  It was a time of great rejoicing and thanksgiving because the ark was coming to its resting place.  He offered sacrifices to the LORD.  He also gave to everyone gifts of food.

In this Psalm we are encouraged to give thanks, to sing to the LORD, to speak to others of the wonderful things that the LORD has done.  We are to remember and think about his works and miracles.  

We are to seek the LORD and His strength.  Seek His face continually!  Sometimes we need to search for Him to get past the clutter and distractions.

Other words for ascribe can be recognize the LORD; for he is glorious and strong.  We are to give to Him the glory he deserves.  We are to use our time, our resources, and our words to give back to our LORD all that He has given to us in the first place.

We call upon the LORD, as the God of all comfort, to comfort those who are grieving and are in very difficult places during this Thanksgiving Season. May each and every one receive strength in the LORD in valley of the shadow of death.  Our hope is in Jesus who has overcome death and the grave and has given us life everlasting.  

*Excerpts from I Chronicles 16:8-36, Psalm 105:1-15, Psalm 96