Garden Fresh

Gardeners can appreciate the availability of fresh produce in their own or shared garden patch. Picking a red ripe tomato off the vine brings mouth watering anticipation of its juicy flavor.  It’s also just fun to watch them grow and ripen. My grandchildren love to spy out red tomatoes and ask if they can pick them for me! It’s a treasure hunt looking for cucumbers and zucchini under their canopy of leaves.  Yellow summer zucchini are easy to spot.

All the produce inspired thoughts of canning and freezing.  I pulled out well worn recipe books and Penn State’s guides to  preserving.  Since I have harvested lots of cucumbers recently, I finally decided to can dill pickles and pickle relish. I had already canned crispy pickles and  refrigerator cucumber with onion and carrots.  I looked at the recipes and decided on a sweet relish which looked simple.  Then I needed some red and green peppers and onions which were waiting in the garden!  A large green pepper was gradually turning red and when I checked it I decided it was great to use for the relish..

As I was cleaning and prepping the vegetables I thought about how the Word of God is like a garden full of fresh tasting food for our spirits.  Just like I have to go to the garden and pick the produce, I have to open my Bible to read the words and receive the revelation from the Holy Spirit.  As we read and meditate, we are preserving these eternal truths in our minds and hearts.  My canned goods will be eaten this winter and give nourishment to our bodies.  But the Words of life are eternal. We can access them in time of need!

Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.”

Psalms 119:89-90   Your eternal word, O Lord, stands firm in heaven. Your faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth you created.

Matthew 24:35. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.”