A view from the porch

Sitting on the porch on a summer day whether it is morning or evening, is a feast for the eyes.  It is a panoramic view of ripe yellow wheat fields waving in the wind (which have been cut and harvested since I first started this).  Behind the wheat are lush green corn stalks standing tall and straight, reaching toward the sky.  The trees in the woods offer another color of green and texture with beautiful blue skies and white clouds.  If I look closer, the summer garden comes into view.  Rows of green, yellow, and purple beans stand in front of the zucchini hills with large leaves hiding green and yellow fruit. The lazy wife beans are climbing up a stick tripod around them.  The beetles seem to be attracted to those leaves.  The leafy tall cosmos are starting to show their colors of magenta flowers.

Tomato plants and okra grow side by side. There is an okra that escaped being harvested.
Tomato plants and okra grow side by side. There is an okra that escaped being harvested.  There are storm clouds in the background.

Of course there are tomato plants, peppers, cucumbers, eggplant and the list goes on.  I feast on this scene with my eyes and it delights my soul.

As I read the Bible, my spiritual eyes feast on the words of a heavenly place that Jesus has gone to prepare for us.  In John 14 he comforts the disciples’ hearts with these words, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, believe in God, believe also in Me.  In my Father’s house are many dwelling places;…I go to prepare a place for you.” Thomas inquired how to find the way and Jesus replied, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”

The description of heaven is so wonderous we can’t comprehend the magnitude and beauty: a city of translucent gold, pearls that are large enough to be gates, no more tears or crying, no sun or moon for the glory of the Lord God Almighty illuminates the city and the Lamb is its light day and night!

Pilgrims Progress is an allegory written in the 1600’s about the trials and pitfalls that a Christian encounters on their journey through this life. There is a story in the book of the two pilgrims, Christian and Hopeful, gazing through a perspectives glass.  They caught a glimpse of the glory of the Celestial City to which they were traveling.  They looked with eyes of faith as we also look forward to what is prepared for the faithful followers of Christ Jesus.

Now we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.  We catch glimpses of the glory and we long to see fully all that God has prepared for those who are His!  Keep journeying on my fellow pilgrims!!  The best is yet to come!

As I was taking the pictures this graceful butterfuly landed on the zinnias. As I tried to get closer it would move further away and this was the last zinnia in the row!
I was in the garden when this graceful butterfly landed on the zinnias. As I tried to get closer to it, it would move further away and this was the last zinnia in the row!

