What’s in a Name?

Last summer, or maybe it was in the late spring, the idea of writing a blog started to stir in my mind. Me? Write? A blog? My garden is a place of inspiration for me and thoughts come to my mind that I would love to share with someone. Sharing vegetables from the garden is easy. It’s tangible. “Oh, please take some zucchini and tomatoes home with you!” Occasionally, I have shared these inspirations with a friend. But writing these tidbits in a blog seemed formidable. The idea of a blog was spoken to a friend. It was like a planting of a seed.
So blogs have names. Inspirations from the Garden was not my first choice but the name started to grow within me. Webster’s 1828 dictionary had some enlightening definitions! The first definition of inspiration was the act of drawing air into the lungs. Yes, I do remember that from Biology class but this next definition was exciting: the infusion of ideas into the mind by the Holy Spirit. My desire is to share inspirations from my garden that can feed the body with nutritious food and ideas how to use the harvest. Another desire is to encourage and enrich those that read this blog with comparisons from the garden to our lives.

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